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Pitopito kōrero

NZSL@School funding

30 Apr 2024

NZSL@School 2024 funding update
This message is to update you on the current status of NZSL@School funding for 2024.

The purpose of the NZSL@School funding is to support learning and progression for Deaf or hard of hearing (DHH) ākonga who best access their learning in NZSL. Ko Taku Reo allocates these funds on behalf of the Ministry of Education, using criteria provided.

The aim of the funds is to raise or maintain the educational achievement and wellbeing of DHH ākonga to the equivalent of their hearing peers. 2024 NZSL@School funding is for ākonga:

  • who are Deaf/ Hard of Hearing (DHH) and
  • who are enrolled in a mainstream school, kura kaupapa, Māori medium school, or a specialist school other than Ko Taku Reo, and
  • who best access their learning in NZSL.

NZSL@School resource can provide funding for Educational Interpreters (EI), Communication Education Support Workers (CESW) and NZSL Tutors or a combination of all three. For more information about these services, visit NZSL Services page.

What’s happening in 2024?
NZSL@School funds have been allocated for the 2024 school year. Ko Taku Reo has limited funding for any further applications made throughout the current year. At this time, the Ministry of Education is unable to increase this funding. The funding that is available must be prioritised to access Educational Interpreters.

Please note that if your child’s local school is already receiving 2024 NZSL@School funding at present, this will not change for the remainder of the year.

We will do everything we can to meet the needs of students who best access and learn through NZSL and will continue to work closely with the Ministry of Education and mainstream schools throughout the year to find ways to support eligible ākonga with the funds and resources that are available to us.

Where can I get further information?
For further information, please refer to our NZSL Services section on our website or contact