School-aged students are enrolled with us because they are Deaf or Hard of Hearing and require specialist and precision teaching to access the New Zealand Curriculum. Specialised education pathways from Years 1–13+ for Deaf and Hard of Hearing students are provided according to their individual needs.
Enrolment process
- An application to enrol in the school is completed
- Parents meet with school leaders to discuss the reasons for the application
- When possible the student will complete a placement visit which includes initial assessments and spending time at the provision and or hostel
- The completed application is shared with the Ministry of Education at an admissions meeting and a recommendation is made
- The final decision is made by a Ministry of Education Senior Representative
Section 37 Agreement
A Section 37 Agreement is an agreement between a parent or guardian and the Ministry of Education. It allows a child or young person to enrol at a special education facility rather than attend their local school.
Dates are set for Section 9 agreements to be reviewed, the review date is dependent on the individual student and their goals for enrolling.
Students wishing to enrol must meet the criteria as outlined in our Ministry of Education resourcing notice:
- The educational needs of the student will be best met
- The safety of the student and other students will not be compromised
- There is a suitable placement in a Provision available
- The student wants to come
Application forms
Hearing factors
Strong preference will be given to students who have a bilateral, sensorineural hearing loss. Students who present with a bilateral conductive hearing loss will be considered on a case by case basis. Preference will also be given to students who are ORS funded. Students who are not verified as having ORS funding may be enrolled in exceptional circumstances.
Ko Taku Reo is not funded to enrol students with a unilateral hearing loss.