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Preschool Residential Courses

Preschool Residential Courses at our Early Years Whānau Centre (Christchurch) and Preschool (Auckland)

Families of preschool children from around the regions (outside of the Auckland and Christchurch areas) have the opportunity to attend a three-day residential programme.

What to expect

We provide support in variety of areas, including Deaf role models, NZSL/visual communication, Deaf Culture, Speech and Language Assessment, Early Literacy, Parent to Parent Support, Social Support and Guidance, Audiology and resource ideas. Families will also have time in the Early Years Whānau Centre (EYWC) Christchurch and Preschool Auckland to meet other families of Deaf children.

Transportation costs of you, your child and other support person are covered by your local District Health Board, and meals and accommodation are provided at no charge by Ko Taku Reo; dietary requirements can be catered for. You will be accommodated in our shared spacious homes on site.

On completion, families leave with a photo experience book highlighting their week.

A comprehensive report is also sent to the whānau, AoDC and other relevant parties within three weeks of departure.

For more information, please contact:

Tina Harrison
Early Years Programme Lead

M: 027 243 5294

Preschool Residential Course Dates

    • 3 - 5 March (full)
    • 26 - 28 May (full)
    • 11 - 13 August
    • 3 - 5 November
    • 17 - 19 March (full)
    • 12 - 14 May (full)
    • 9 - 11 June (full)
    • 28 - 30 July (full)
    • 25 - 27 August (full)
    • 17 - 19 November