Education for Deaf and hard of hearing children
You and your child’s journey with us can begin anywhere between pre-school to age 21.
Our preschool in Auckland and Early Years Whānau Centre (EYWC) in Christchurch provide programmes that encourage language development and offer a place of support for parents and families.
Then, when it's time for school, you and your child have a choice of whether they attend their local mainstream school or our specialist schools in Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch.
We also support students to transition into tertiary study or the workforce.
My child is in...
Kei roto tāku tamaiti...

Regional support
Taupua mō nga rohe
Support is available throughout New Zealand with services such as NZSL tutoring via video calling; school and home visits; 1 on 1 tutoring; Resource Teachers of the Deaf (RTDs) who work with certain students in mainstream schools; and our ASSIST liaisons who essentially acting as the go-between for families and schools and other services for the child funded by the Ministry of Education.
Maori Education
Mātauranga Māori
We recognise the unique status of tangata whenua in New Zealand and are dedicated to implementing procedures and practices within all aspects of Deaf Education to raise achievement for our Māori students. We promote the integration of Māori pedagogy and practices.
We are here to help you. You are our co-partner in educating your child, so please contact us anytime for information or support.
Get in touch